T Slot Channel
Slide in Window Weatherstrip used primarily in Metal and Vinyl products.
T-Back Slides into slot Assorted Backings Widths.
- T Slot Extruded Aluminium
- T-slot Bolts
- Extruded Aluminum T-slot Channel
- Aluminium T Slot Channel
- T Slot Channels For Plywood
.275 T-Slot Backing, .375 Foam Seal
.260 Height X.270 Wide T-slot Pile No-Fin $ 22.50 – $ 235.00 Select options.300 Height X.187 Wide T-slot Pile W/Fin $ 22.50 – $ 399.00 Select options.300 Height X.270 Wide T-slot Pile no fin $ 22.50 – $ 350.00 Select options.450 Height X.270 Wide T-slot Pile No-Fin $ 22.50 – $ 399.00 Select options.500 Height X.187 Wide T-slot Pile. 80/20 provides T-slot aluminum profiles, or bars, that have channels used to connect other bars and parts — for instance, panels, linear bearings or casters. It is a building system anyone can use to create. Our Universal T-track features a unique 'stacked' T-slot that accepts both 5/16' T-bolts and 1/4' T-bolts, as well as 1/4' Hex-bolts. This means you can use all the hardware and T-track accessories from your old jigs in addition to the newer style hardware.
T Slot Extruded Aluminium
VIEW ITEM1,000' Roll .275 T-Slot Backing, .375 Foam Seal
T-slot Bolts
VIEW ITEMWorks with standard 3/4' x 3/8' miter gauges with or without a T-slot. Our track is great for shop built router tables that are not equipped to handle a miter gauge. You can add a miter or sliding fixture to anything that can be routed out to fit the Miter T-Track work bench, table saw extensions, drill press tables, and band saw tables. The miter T-bar slides into the miter track or miter slot in your table saw. The T-bar can be used to make sliding jigs and other fixtures throughout the shop. Add a lock down knob by drilling and tapping the T-bar, there is no end to the possibilities. Use #7785 (1-1/4' Straight bit) to make the groove for the Miter T-Track. T-Track length may vary up to 1/8'.
Miter T-Track and T-BarA #9871 32' T-Track................$16.95
Extruded Aluminum T-slot Channel
A #1702 (9864) 48' T-Track.....$19.95
B #9872 32' T-Bar....................$16.95
B #9865 48' T-Bar....................$24.95

SAVE $4.95! 32' Set includes #9871 amd #9872. Regular Price $33.90.
Aluminium T Slot Channel
SAVE $6.95! 48' Set includes #9864 amd #9865. Regular Price $49.90.
T Slot Channels For Plywood