Satelec Gebrauchsanweisung
Soredex™ is now part of the new KaVo Imaging Portfolio
Our new expanded portfolio of dental solutions includes advanced imaging systems, innovative treatment units and our performance driven handpieces, all under the KaVo name.

Euro-adaptor (San Diego Swiss) for attachment of Satelec-type tips to EMS-type scalers. Ortho-Walker AG Feldring 5 CH - 8916 Jonen Tel: +41 56 649 24 00 Fax: +41 56 649 24 01 Whatsapp: +41 76 586 42 21 Skype: orthowalkerag.
Satelec Softly Amalgamator - User Manual - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. USER MANUAL AMALGAMADOR. 4 as at: (GV ) 1. User instructions Please attend to the following instructions in order to guarantee a trouble-free, econo-mic and safe work. Symbols used on product information, labels and instructions.
The radiographic system described in this manual is a “wall installation”. Reserves the right to modify its products and manual without notice. Shall not be liable for any incorrect use of the information contained in this manual. Any copies, even partial, of this manual are permitted solely for in-house use.
Satelec Mini Led Gebrauchsanweisung
The new KaVo imaging portfolio is the result of bringing together the award-winning Instrumentarium Dental and Soredex products. For more than six decades these brands have been at the forefront of extraoral imaging innovation.
Satelec Acteon Gebrauchsanweisung
Our goal is simple: provide smarter, integrated and efficient solutions to help you do more of what matters to you, everyday.
For Soredex product questions or support, contact KaVo or call 1‑888‑ASK‑KAVO.