Quotes Yoga

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There really are some beautiful, inspiring yoga sayings out there.Yoga is one of the most powerful ways to relieve stress through physical exercise.And it’s just as positive for your mind as your body.So in this guide, we’ll run through 15 of my favourite yoga sayings.

They’ll not only enhance your yoga practice – but also inspire, transform and improve your life too.

Yoga quotes from celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Madonna, Lea Michele, Ali Wong and more to keep you motivated to go to yoga class. 8 Powerful Yoga Quotes 1. 'Silence is not silent.Silence speaks. It speaks most eloquently. Silence is not still. It leads most perfectly.' - Sri Chinmoy 2. 'Yoga is the dance between the light and the dark within you. The light is what brings you back to the mat and the darkness is what you uncover there. Yoga Peace Quotes “The only way to spread peace is to have peace inside you.” -Yogi Vini “Real Peace is always unshakable; Bliss is unchanged by gain or loss.” -Yogi Bhajan.

1. “Inhale the future. Exhale the past.”– Eckhart Tolle

An important part of yoga is your breath.When we perform a new stretch or try to hold our balance, it’s our breathe that we rely on.It’s no wonder really – this is what brings us to the present.And when we’re too busy feeling bad about the past, or worrying about the future, our breath is always there to guide us through it.

So what I love about this quote is that it’s expressing that beautiful moment when you’re truly focused on your breathe. …It’s that point when your thoughts and your mind become silenced and calm, and you’re totally absorbed by the moment.These moments during can be rare – but they’re also totally inspiring!

Quotes Yoga Inspiration

2. “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”– The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient scripture that narrates part of the story of Hinduism.

When you begin practicing yoga, it is genuinely like the start of a journey.

You set out with no knowledge, no experience of yoga and for most of us, we’re not flexible at all!

But as you learn and practice yoga more often, you find out more about yourself.

…You find out how to control your breath.

…How to concentrate.

And how to truly connect the body and mind in a way that you’ve probably never experienced before – especially if you’re living in a Western Culture.

And that’s the beauty of it – yoga will help you grow as a person.

It’s like a transformation that’s fuelled by the magic of yoga.

3. “Quiet your mind. Free your body.”– Unknown

Ever felt trapped by your thoughts?

When your mind is busy, stressed and distracted, you’re like a slave to your emotions.

Some people have even described a distressed mind like a prison that’s almost impossible to escape.

I believe that yoga gives you freedom and power.

Quotes Yoga

And when you free yourself from the cycle of negative thoughts you may be experiencing, you can also free your body.

This creates positive reinforcement:

As your body becomes more flexible and healthier, your mind becomes more positive.

And as you feel happier, your body may feel more full of energy, life and strength.

4. “Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory.”– Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

I 100% agree with this yoga saying.

You can’t learn yoga from a book.

You have to experience it, experiment with it and truly realise in your being that actually yoga is about practice.

Now here’s the interesting thing:

We often get the temptation to learn most things through information.

We buy self-development books, we talk about the things we want from life, we even use apps to learn languages.

But until you truly practice these things in real life – not from a book, an app or just talking about it – you will never truly get to the level you want.

Mastering yoga demands years of practice, patience and determination.

So whilst theory is nice, fun and great to support what you learn, it’s not going to help you in many walks of life until you combine it with practice.

5. “Yoga is not about touching your toes. It is what you learn on the way down.”– Jigar Gor

Yes, yoga is a physical practice.

But it’s equally about a workout for your mind too.

We can learn a lot about ourselves on the yoga mat that we never considered before.

You see, when you’re practicing yoga, it’s just you and your positions.

It’s a flow.

It’s a meditative state when you’re finally able to get away from the high paced world we live in.

Resource: Naked Meditation: Everything You Need To Know

And that means your mind finally gets a chance to find some clarity and peace.

So why is that important?

Well, it teaches you a lot about you and how your mind works.

When you leave the yoga practice, you’ve developed a deeper level of understanding about yourself.

Yes, you might be trying to touch your toes!

But actually, as you stand there on the yoga mat, you’ll experience new levels of gratitude, freedom and positivity that you didn’t have before you stepped in the room.

6. “The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.”– Jason Crandell

Yoga transforms your mind, body and soul.

There’s certain parts of our body that most of us actually totally neglect.

Sometimes we forget to stretch our feet or stand up straight, because we’re too busy looking at our phones or madly bumbling around the office looking for that file we can’t find.

But not only that, yoga goes beyond ‘skin deep’ – to the darkest corners of our bodies that we often pay no attention to at all.

Think about it:


Yoga can lower blood pressure by relaxing your mind, improve your memory by learning new flows and boost your concentration by removing you from the busy world of social media, emails and marketing.

These ‘dark corners’ of your body are probably things you’ve never consciously spent much time developing before!

7. “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn

Whilst Jim Rohn might not have been talking about yoga here, it’s couldn’t be more true for yoga.

We often disrespect and neglect our bodies:

Sleeping minimal hours. Eating junk food. Pouring alcohol into our bodies!

But the truth is, we’re stuck with our bodies for the rest of our lives.

Yet it’s something we take for granted until it’s too late.

Health is something that we should prioritize:

And this yoga saying should inspire you to be more conscious about it!

Yoga helps us form a better relationship with our bodies.

It will help you develop a mind body connection you never knew was there before!

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8. “Calming the mind is yoga. Not just standing on the head.”– Swami Satchidananda

There’s a lot of stereotypes and cliches surrounding yoga.

And standing on your head is one of them!

But the truth is, that’s not what yoga is really about.

Yes, you can learn how to perform some amazing feats for your body.

But at the heart of yoga, there are much deeper concepts you should understand.

This isn’t about poses – it’s about developing your mind:

You see, any animal can show off their flexibility!

But actually yoga makes you feel good. It calms your mind and nerves.

When you have a great yoga session, it’s like you’ve cultivated a feeling of harmony and inner peace that’s rare to find in day to day life.

Stress if often caused by the ‘fight or flight’ response inbuilt in our brains – but when you practice yoga, you counter this and calm that response down.

9. “Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years.”– Alan Finger

This is a wonderful yoga saying – that’s true on so many levels.

How many times do we rush through life?

Quite often, we never take a moment to drink it in and enjoy the moment.

But yoga gives you a heightened sense of awareness, so that you can enjoy the present moment by being more mindful.

By putting more concentration into the pose you’re practicing, you’re actually creating a deeper connection with the present – through concentrating on your breathe.

And the more you can practice living in the moment and appreciating it, the more ‘life you’ll add to years’.

So with yoga, not only are improving your health – which is closely linked to living longer – with yoga.

You’re actually creating a richer, deeper connection to life.

10. “Your body can do it. It’s your mind you need to convince.”– Unknown

Have you ever stopped to question how many of your beliefs may be limiting you?

So many of us struggle with low self esteem and reduced levels of confidence.

But with yoga, you learn that you’re actually far more capable of something – you just have to convince yourself first.

Yes, your mind might tell you that “you can’t do it” or “it’s not possible”. In fact, that’s incredibly common.

But when you finally nail that yoga position you’ve been practicing for weeks, you realise that’s not true at all.

And that’s a powerful metaphor for life:

Some of us never achieve our full potential because we don’t realise our mind is holding us back.

You can achieve far more than you think – but it takes the confidence to attempt it first.

11. “The future depends on what we do in the present.” – Mahatma Gandhi

12. “Yoga is the artwork of awareness on the canvas of body, mind, and soul.”– Amit Ray


Yoga is very holistic. It’s not just about ‘building muscle’ or ‘losing weight’. In fact, far from it.

Yoga is such a powerful influence, on so many levels.

It’s designed to heal your mind, body and soul.


  • Body: Yoga helps you develop more flexibility, strength, balance and even enhances your connection with your breathe
  • Mind: Yogis often find they develop deeper levels of concentration, focus and inner peace
  • Soul: On your journey to learning yoga, you’ll learn a lot about yourself and who you are as a person – which some might refer to as your soul

13. “Maybe more than anything else, yoga teaches you to be still and calm under challenging circumstances.” – Adam Levine

How many times have you fallen into the trap of panicking in a challenging situation?

Our survival instincts have been incredibly useful as humans, yet they can also make us more anxious especially if we sense there’s a threat.

Yoga helps calm the mind down, even when we’re experiencing something that challenges us.

When you’re struggling with a new posture or you feel like you’re about to lose your balance, yoga teaches a methodology of staying calm and peaceful.

But this goes beyond the yoga room:

If you can stay calm whilst experiencing any sort of challenge, you’ll reap the benefits over and over again.

In fact, if you think back, has panicking ever truly helped you?

Yes, it provides a little bit of motivation but when we’re stressed or anxious, we tend to make irrational decisions that we often regret later down the line.

14. “Yoga calms me down. It’s a therapy session, a workout, and meditation all at the same time!”– Jennifer Aniston

OK, I’ll be the first one to admit that Jennifer Aniston isn’t the first person that comes to mind as a yogi!

But that doesn’t stop this from being one of my favourite yoga sayings.

This mantra sums up the benefits of yoga perfectly:

It’s a powerful way to find peace that seems to tick so many boxes at once.

​15. “Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy. Constant practice alone is the secret of success.” – Svatmarama

Make no mistake, yoga is a very challenging practice.

It requires determination, dedication and consistency.

That’s not for the faint hearted!

And yes, anyone can master yoga.

However, you can’t afford to be lazy here.

If you don’t apply yourself to the task, you’ll struggle to really see any results.


That’s because this relies on you:

You have to put in the effort. You have to concentrate during the session. And you’re the one who has to keep learning and improving along the way.

Now that might sound a little scary – but actually it’s empowering:

Because rather than relying on anyone else to be successful, you’re taking 100% responsibility to improve yourself.

Yoga Quotes About Life

And that’s a wonderful thing!

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