Nplot Examples

Nplot Examples 9,9/10 6523 reviews


Source: vignettes/examples.Rmd

Some features:

  1. Auto-scaling of vertices using sizes relative to the plotting device.
  2. Embedded edge color mixer.
  3. True curved edges drawing.
  4. User-defined edge curvature.
  5. Nicer vertex frame color.
  6. Better use of space filling the plotting device.
Nplot Examples

¶Plot Data with NPlot. NPlot is a free charting library for.NET developed by Matt Howlett and others.It can be used to render graphs as Bitmaps (suitable for use in console applications) and it has a mouse-interactive user control for Windows Forms.

Since igraph and statnet do the plotting using base system graphics, we can’t put everything in the same device right away. Fortunately, the gridGraphics R package allows us to reproduce base graphics using the grid system, which, in combination with the function gridExtra::grid.arrange will let us put both base and grid graphics in the same page. First me write a func

Here is an example with ggraph

  • Dear all, in the example-section of I found an example with multiple y-axes. I would like to do something similar (using nplot 0.9.10 stable in VB.Net), showing two sets of data with the same X-data, but different Y-Values and axes.
  • Example code can be found in the Source/Examples folder in each repository. The Example Library contains examples that can be used on all platforms. The documentation can be found at Use Stack Overflow if you have questions regarding the library. You can also try the chat room or the.
Nplot Examples

Comparision of default igraph vs netplot default call. nplot fills completely the plotting area, and adjusts vertex size, edge width, and edge arrows’ size accordingly to the plotting area and plotting device.

To arrange multiple plots in the same page we can use the grid.arrange function from the gridExtra package

Nplot Examples

Modifying vertex.size.range: Each figure shows a different parameter for the vertex size range. From left to right, and top down: (a) Has all vertices with the same scale of 2.5%, (b)

Number of sides for node drawing.


Plot Examples In Disney Movies

Modifying edge.color.mix: Each figure shows a different parameter for the edge color mixer. From left to right, (a) colors the edges as alter, (b) mixes ego and alter’s colors, and (c) only uses ego

Modifying edge.curvature: Each figure shows a different parameter for the edge curvature. From left to right, (a) straight edges, (b) the edge between ego and alter is an arc that measures (pi/2) radians (90 degree), and (c) the edge as an arc between ego and alter that measures (pi) radians (180 degrees).

Changing the number of breaks in the edge (arc) and the type of line to be drawn.

I previously considered the free web charting component from Carlos Aguilar to be my main web chart tool . . . but I recently strayed and found a new web chart component. NPlot has become my new main web charting squeeze because it gives me more control over the chart surface area, plotting behaviour, etc. Carlos Aguilar’s component is quick and simple and will still be useful for basic web charting, but NPlot is the more sophisticated alternative.


It’s hard to describe unless you’ve worked with both charting tools, but I’ve got considerably more control when I use NPlot. NPlot is still in development so you have to make due without much documentation and other polishes, but I really like what they’ve got so far. NPlot has a much more scientific aspect to it, with Abscissa and other slick math nerdy things. A project I’m working on requires some scientific data presentation and NPlot gives me the control I need and the customer wants.

Since the docs aren’t available yet, here’s a snippet that will get you up and running:

Plot Examples For Short Stories

Plot Examples Science Fiction

  • Set a reference to the NPlot assembly (NPlot.dll) — assuming you’ve downloaded the files from

  • Add a PlotSurface2D control on your web form (drag and drop it or manually add it with the Register ASPX Page directive and add the control tag “<cc1:PlotSurface2D id=”surface” runat=”server” Width=”200px” Height=”100px”/>” to your web form

  • Here is the quick-and-dirty sample code for your page Load event (in VB -gasp- since our customer requested we work in it):

Plot Examples Literature

Plot Examples In Movies Youtube

Plot Examples In Literature

surface.Title = “My Title”
Dim lp As LinePlot = New LinePlot
lp.DataSource = New Integer() {1, 5, 3, 4}
lp.Color = Color.RosyBrown
Dim dates As ArrayList = New ArrayList
dates.Add( CDate( “11/1/2004″ ) )
dates.Add( CDate( “11/11/2004″ ) )
dates.Add( CDate( “11/27/2004″ ) )
dates.Add( CDate( “12/1/2004″ ) )
lp.Color = Color.Blue
lp.AbscissaData = dates
surface.XAxis1.Label = “x-axis label”

Plot Examples In Movies

Oh yeah, if you want another reason to check out NPlot, it looks like the developers (Matt Howlett and Paolo Pierini) are into the Mono project after a fashion — I don’t know the full pedigree, I just know I can get great web reports out of it. Keep up the great work!

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